
See details on the carers today training programs


Training for Carers:

Training for carers is important for many reasons. You can improve your caring skills or get training for your career outside your caring role. Training can also lead to a better quality of life for you as well as the person you're looking after.

  • Employability training

  • Managing work and caring

  • Managing stressful tasks

  • How to get the best out of your carers assessment

  • Developing carers self -advocacy

  • Negotiating services for care recipient

  • Developing skills in caring

  • Establishing a peer support groups

  • Preparing for meetings with professionals

  • What to look for when choosing a residential home

Training for Practitioners:

Carers Today delivers essential training. We have over 20 year of experience in improving  services and engagements between practitioners and Carers. We have a proven track record in identifying issues and problem solving to improve the quality of service for service users, through research, policy , commissioning  and training.

  • Identifying carers at risk

  • Carers Assessments

  • Effective communication with carers

  • Building confidence & trust

  • Helping carers to identify risks

  • Recognition and Supporting Carers

Self-Appraisal: Discovering and Maximizing Your Potential

Book description:

Valma wrote this book because she wants to empower and inspire you to leverage your experience and expertise, and not be totally reliant on someone telling you what you are worth or settle for second best. You are personally responsible for your personal development and ultimately, in control over your destiny.

She believes that negative and positive communication are the prerequisites on which you choose to allow others to affect you, through their communication with you, which can psychologically and emotionally impact on self-confidence and self-worth.

Valma has developed her experience in coaching and networking through engaging in her own personal and professional development, with a range of institutions, community organisations and networking.

Valma has gained her experience in working with people spanning over 30 years using her capacity to think out of the box as a lateral and strategic thinker as nurse, social worker, youth worker, and community development worker engaged in health and social care planning, commissioning and quality performance at managerial level.

Valma has worked as a volunteer and as youth coach for Luton Children at Risk and Open University Community Education, and as a university lecturer and as a personal coach.

She is a radio presenter with and Hospital Radio Bedford, and uses the medium to inspire and educate.

“You cannot be dependent on others to change you – It is ultimately your journey.”

—Vishal Morjaria

Award-winning author & international speaker

If you are interested in purchasing this book, please follow the link below: